My Dream of an Emotionally Healthy Community!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Wellspring Counseling
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Join me in raising funds to ensure accessible mental health support to immigrants in my community!


raised by 1 people

$5,000 goal

Hi there! 

As a mental health counselor in Miami, Florida, I've seen firsthand the need for mental health services made available and affordable to immigrant families. Many enter the United States with heavy trauma from their countries of origin or from the experiences they've lived in their journeys to the USA. Starting from scratch while trying to support a family and adapt to a new language and culture can be very overwhelming. Many immigrants can develop anxiety, depression and PTSD from their experiences and often don't have the resources to pay for mental health counseling. 

By raising money to offer low cost or free services to immigrants, we can change not only individuals but families as children are raised by healthier, healed parents and grandparents. The children face many obstacles and stressors as well and can benefit from counseling or our Bounce trauma camps for youth. Please consider donating to my fundraiser remembering that, "The Lord watches over the sojourners; he upholds thew widow and the fatherless..." Psalm 146:9a.

Donate to Wellspring for this Give Miami Day! 

This fundraiser supports

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Wellspring Counseling

Organized By Lindsey Steffen

Giving Activity


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