A Pearl of Great Value...

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Wellspring Counseling
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Join me in raising funds to ensure accessible mental health support in my community!


raised by 6 people

$800 goal

"...who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it."

~Matthew 13:46

As I was reading through my Bible, I came upon the passage above which compares Heaven, to a pearl beyond price.  This pearl was so precious that a merchant, recognizing it's worth, bought it with everything he had, and for some reason, even though I know this scripture is about how intensely we need to pursue our relationship with Christ...this verse reminded me of my clients...  

As a licensed mental health counselor, I've seen firsthand, and been moved by, clients who pursue their mental health with all that is in them.  I've have been a witness to incredible transformations, healing, and restoration of individuals, families and communities.  

What we are asking for and why I'm teaming up with Wellspring Counseling for Give Miami Day, is to gather funds that will continue to pave the way for accessible counseling and mental health educational resources. 

Imagine a world where mental health comes first and where asking for help is a sign of strength. 

Join us to ensure that healing, growth, and a brighter life are within everyone's reach.  

Donate to Wellspring for this Give Miami Day! 

This fundraiser supports

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Wellspring Counseling

Organized By Dawn Plummer

Giving Activity


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