Joelle's Birthday Fundraiser for Bet Shira!

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Bet Shira Congregation
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Help support Bet Shira, a place near and dear to my heart, on this Give Miami Day!!

37 donors

raised $5,997

36 donor goal

I was born into Bet Shira. My parents Mark and Shelley Ginsburg are founding members. Each of my Jewish lifecycle events happened at Bet Shira - my baby naming, Bat Mitzvah, confirmation, aufruf, and my children's baby namings. My life was enriched by Bet Shira's hebrew school and USY chapter, which founded the basis for my commitment to Judaism. It's such a pleasure to have children in the preschool, hebrew school, and youth group that I grew up in. 

I am honored to serve as President Elect of Bet Shira and look forward to a bright future. Bet Shira gives our family SO much and we are incredibly grateful.

For my birthday (Nov. 18!), I ask that you make a gift to Bet Shira during Give Miami Day and the early giving period. Each gift will go much further as they are being matched by multiple donors. Todah rabah and Am Yisrael Chai!

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