Katelyn Supports Public Education
A nonprofit fundraiser supporting
The Education FundThe Education Fund is a wonderful non-profit that supports public school teachers and students.
raised by 19 people
$1,100 goal
Since 1985, The Education Fund has had one mission – to maximize every child’s potential. We believe that the health of a community begins with the quality of its public schools. By raising student achievement, particularly for children from financially disadvantaged homes, we raise hopes and improve futures for entire families. We focus on the challenges facing public schools in Miami-Dade County, the third-largest district in the U.S. and declared 100% free lunch by the USDA. The Education Fund maneuvers easily and works closely with teachers, administrators, parents, and community/business leaders to implement programs that reach all 470+ schools, 20,000+ educators, and 331,500+ students.
* Providing 337,091 students/families in the 22/23 school year with $3.2 million+ in school supplies (paper, books, pens, crayons, etc.) and household basics (paper products; hygiene supplies)
* Supporting a 71% improvement in students’ science achievement and STEM proficiency and 78% improvement in students’ math performance, all while improving eating attitudes and habits by 50% through our first-in-the-nation Food Forests for Schools
* Increasing college enrollment by 34% in high-need demonstration schools as one of three nonprofits selected nationally, through our SmartPath program
* Receiving The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce NOVO (nonprofit excellence) Award for our Center for Educational Materials program through which $23,959,564 in free supplies have gone to students and their classrooms since Hurricane Andrew
* Bridging the digital divide for 10,000+ families by providing each child with a home computer and training for all their parents
* Raising more than $81+ million in order to transform our public schools!
Thank you for your support!