Organization name
NAMI Miami-Dade
Tax id (EIN)
299 Alhambra Circle Suite 224Coral Gables, FL 33134
All NAMI Miami-Dade Programs are free to attendees!
Anyone looking for assistance can call our Helpline/Warmline and find resources, support, and a listening ear. We speak English, Spanish, Creole, French and Portuguese. Staff and volunteers who have a lived experience are trained to speak with callers with a unique understanding - making this a crucial community service;
Support Groups in English and Spanish are led by two NAMI-trained facilitators with a lived experience: Young Adult Peers, Adult Peers, Black Peers, Family Members, and Parents/Caregivers of Youth Support Group (for parents of youth aged 12-22).
"Ending the Silence" for (1) Youth, (2) for Families, and (3) for staff of youth organizations/schools: 3 mental health education presentations for youth, young adults, families, and staff that help attendees learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental health condition. The presentations include (1) a lead presenter with a lived experience who intertwines their story with a multi-media presentation and (2) a young adult who shares their journey of recovery. Audience members may ask questions and gain an understanding of an often-misunderstood topic.
For anyone looking for a more in-depth understanding of how to navigate a mental health condition, Family-to-Family, Peer-to-Peer, and Basics are educational programs for peers and families. Research shows that these programs significantly improve coping and problem-solving and help individuals establish and maintain their wellness and recovery.
NAMI Miami is proud to provide life-saving information on suicide through our QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer presentation. Those who complete it will receive vital information on how to recognize the warning signs of suicide and how to approach someone they are worried about. At the end, attendees receive a certificate for becoming a Gatekeeper: someone who is knowledgeable on the subject and who is up-to-date on the resources available.
Other Programs: Peer & Family Mentoring; NAMI On Campus; Homefront for families of military/veterans; CIT training presentations for law enforcement; Speaker Meetings/Webinars; MDC Walk for Mental Health Awareness; Reel Minds: Miami Mental Health Film Festival-1000 free tickets; Advocates for Mental Health South Florida; MDC Mental Health Disaster Preparedness Collaborative.
Mission: To provide education, support and advocacy for youth and adults affected by mental health challenges and their families.
Vision: Individuals living with a mental health condition and their families have information, tools, access to services, advocacy and a strong support network to maximize their recovery outcomes.
Organization name
NAMI Miami-Dade
Tax id (EIN)
299 Alhambra Circle Suite 224