Environment Bonus Pool

A nonprofit organization

Want to support ALL of the environment organizations in Miami in one swoop? This bonus pool is used as a special match for every single environment nonprofit. Match dollars are very effective incentives to get more people giving. By donating to this bonus pool you’ll help get more people giving, and you’ll strengthen the fundraising efforts of all of the orgs in this category.

There are 59 environment organizations this year. All will benefit from this match pool.

The organizations in this category work to protect our natural and built environments in Greater Miami to increase our region's resilience in the face of a changing climate and other challenges to our unique local environment.

Thanks for helping make Give Miami Day magical for every single environment organization!


Protecting the environment is one of the most important issues for Miami, which is at the forefront of challenges like sea level rise, extreme heat, resilience, and conservation. Supporting organizations working to protect our natural and built environments in Greater Miami will increase our region's resilience in the face of a changing climate and other challenges to our unique local environment.

Organization Data


Organization name

Environment Bonus Pool


40 NW 3rd St #305
Miami, FL 33128



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